
Yaga Engineering has the in-house capability to design, manufacture, refurbish and test run live or dead shaft conveyor pulleys to suit any application.

Our engineering team has a customised pulley design program that includes 3D modelling and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to ensure every pulley is virtually tested and fit for use, prior to manufacture.

Our manufacturing is carried out using NATA approved weld procedures by qualified technicians to ensure adherence to AS/NZS -1554 structural welding to ensure a quality product. Post-weld heat treatment, stress relieving and non-destructive testing on all weldments and materials are available on request.


All pulleys are put through a rigorous live bench test which includes vibration analysis and thermography on our unique in-house testing facility, allowing the pulley to be guaranteed before on-site installation. Our clients are provided with a report showing the outcomes of the testing prior to installation.

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